Pet Memorial Submissions

Pet Memorial Submission Form

Please submit your details and the information and original digital photo about your pet in order for us to add an online pet memorial to our pet memorial blog. Your information is kept confidential and is only required so we can notify you when your online memorial has been posted to the Okanagan Pet Cremation Pet Memorial Blog.

Starred fields (*) in this online form are required!

  • Please feel free to write whatever you like about your beloved pet for your pet memorial blog post. It is recommended that you write at least 1 to 2 paragraphs for your pet memorial blog post.

  • Please upload an original digital photo of your beloved pet that has not been resized, cropped or edited. Please make sure it is an actual photo of your pet. Wide shot digital photos are greatly preferred to tall shot digital photos.

    Dimensions for digital photos submitted need to be at least 1280 pixels wide X 720 pixels high or greater. To figure out your digital photo dimensions on your computer, hover a photo file with the mouse cursor on your computer and a popup should appear with the dimensions. Alternatively you can right click a photo file and select "Properties" from the right click menu, then click on the "Details" tab to see the dimensions of the photo.

    Digital photo file types allowed for submission are: .jpg, .jpeg, .png

    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 10 MB.
  • In addition to our pet memorial blog on our website, if you would like, we can share your pet's memorial blog post link on our Facebook page.

    Feel free to view and like our Facebook page as well by clicking the link below.

  • If you clicked YES above for us to share your pet's memorial post on Facebook as well, please provide your Facebook Personal Profile Link (url) so we can tag you when your pet's memorial post has been posted to our Facebook page.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Latest Pet Memorial

  • Our pup mittens went to the rainbow bridge on Dec 29th 2024. Mittens was almost 11 years old and we