

This is our wonderful, gentle, Teddy (Theodore Edward Bear) whom we adopted from the Penticton SPCA shelter in 1999. We had fourteen wonderful years with this guy before losing him to cancer.

This is a photo we took of Teddy right after his first grooming back in June 1999. He was so handsome and he knew it! He was by far the sweetest and gentlest dog we ever had. Loved everyone….well, except cats!

We used this same photo, enlarged, as the photo of ‘Sylvia’ both times we did that wonderful show.

He’s been slowing down noticeably of late, hearing all but gone and the sight not too sharp but he still wolfed down his food and bounced off the walls when we came home. He had a nasty fall from the motor home last November in Fresno and that slowed him down a bit more. But he woke up Tuesday totally not right, refused food-which is always a bad sign.

Teddy is now part of the ages, waiting for us with all the others at the Rainbow Bridge! There will be other dogs in our lives but there will never be another Teddy!

Ed and Ross – August 2013

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